Monday, October 6, 2008

Celtic Symbols and Celtic Spirals


Some of the oldest symbols associated with the Celtic culture are Celtic Spirals. Prominently displayed on ancient artifacts dating long before the written word in Ireland, Celtic Spirals are second only to Knotwork Designs as the symbols most associated with Celtic art. These mythical spirals are among the oldest celtic symbols. They are believed to represent the spiritual balance between inner and outer consciousness.

The Triskele, or the Triskelion

The Triskele, otherwise known as the triskelion, is a three-pronged spiral, and is often used as a basis for more complex spirals. Some suggest ancient Celtic triskeles represented the Triple Goddess of the three ages of womanhood. It later came to represent the Holy Trinity in Christianity - God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Whatever its’ meaning, it is interesting that the motif is based around The Number 3- regarded as a highly sacred number in many ancient cultures, not least The Druids.

The Spiral of Life

The Triple-Spiral, otherwise known as the "Spiral of Life", is found on many ancient Irish stone carvings - the most famous of which is Newgrange, found in County Meath, Ireland, which dates back to 2500 BC. Most scholars believe the spiral of life represents the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Others say this deeply mystical symbol represents the male, female, and child on the path of life. Another interpretation is that it also represents the Triple Goddess.

Trinity-Celtic-Knot or Triquetra

The Triquetra, commonly known as The Trinity Knot, takes an individual strand and wraps it into and onto itself, such that it becomes a three-lobed, yet singular design. This design symbolized the connection of the three planes of existence: mind, body, and spirit. To Christians, it illustrated the essential core of Christian belief wherein one God was Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. For both beliefs, the Trinity knot symbolized the way in which three separate essences were vitally interconnected.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Saturn - Neptune Cycle

From late 2005 through 2007, the planets Neptune and Saturn will form an opposition to each other. This particular alignment will be the most important alignment of the latter half of this decade, informing the cultural dynamics as we head into the more turbulent, chaotic potentials of the next decade.

When Saturn and Neptune form an alignment with each other, they activate the other’s expression in a particular way. In other words, each archetype will actualize the other planet’s core manifestations in a particular, specific manner. Saturn will energize and stimulate Neptune’s archetypal characteristics but in a specific manner and vice versa.

How the Saturn-Neptune complex actualizes the other planet into manifestation, we can see below:

Collective focus on the imaginable: The Saturn-Neptune complex turns the world’s attention to the imaginable and artistic but in a dark, expressionistic or gothic manner.

The rift between the transcendent and the earthly is engaged: The Saturn-Neptune complex makes the split between this world and some heavenly or transcendent ideal a matter of serious focus.

A sense of collective loss and mourning: The complex renders a loss of ideals. A disillusionment and disenchantment occurs whereby there is a collective surrendering of something that was the object of faith and hope.

Distortion of reality: The configuration creates a collective confusion between what is substantive and true versus dreamlike and lacking concreteness. Reality is rendered surreal and the imaginable and dreamlike takes on greater substance.

An emphasis on dark collective subjectivity: an inner moodiness, free-form collective anxiety, fear and foreboding, weltschmerz of the anima mundi.

Deep skepticism toward socio-political structures: A heavy and deep process whereby societies criticise typical political process. The typical mode of political process whereby acceptance in false promises, rhetoric, empty policies is dissolved.

A test and forging of our spiritual nature: A profound engagement of authentic spirituality. Events and experiences are enacted which test and forge a deep sense of true spiritual realisation.

With a simple understanding of the Saturn-Neptune complex as outlined above, it is now possible to delve more deeply into the potentials and possibilities of this planetary configuration.
The Saturn-Neptune complex symbolises the cross we all bear collectively in our material incarnation. Unlike the simple frustrations and gravity of our daily tasks, the Saturn-Neptune configuration renders our simple, insignificant daily hardships into a quest for a return to a condition of righteousness, truth, peace, and bliss. Thus, Saturn-Neptune alignment force us to transform the relatively banal and prosaic concerns of work and career into veritable religious quests, whereby our daily efforts are more likened to a climbing of Jacob's ladder.

When Saturn and Neptune form hard aspect with each other, they must contend with each other. Although there are several possibilities in terms of their archetypal expression—as history has shown—there is no possibility to ignore the symbolism of one planet at the expense of the other. When Saturn and Neptune form major collective alignments in the sky, they are forced into disturbing cohabitation. Thus, during these times, the businessman with only an eye toward money is forced to contend with the poet musing on the cosmic unknowns and enchanted beauty, as the mystic and artist is compelled to apply critical rigor and definition to their religious musings and impressionistic strokes.

Real Irish Gypsy Advice-Ask Allie
Email your dreams and have them interpreted!
Unlease your inner psychic.
Do you feel lucky?
Numerology, whats in a number?
The Complete Beginners Guide to Tarot.

Reading eBooks yet?
Have you seen the new revolutionary portable reader that wirelessly downloads books, newspapers, magazines and blogs to a crisp, high-resolution electronic paper display that looks and reads like real paper, even in bright sunlight.

Saturn and Jupiter - The Great Chronoctors

From late 2005 through 2007, the planets Neptune and Saturn will form an opposition to each other. This particular alignment will be the most important alignment of the latter half of this decade, informing the cultural dynamics as we head into the more turbulent, chaotic potentials of the next decade.

When Saturn and Neptune form an alignment with each other, they activate the other’s expression in a particular way. In other words, each archetype will actualize the other planet’s core manifestations in a particular, specific manner. Saturn will energize and stimulate Neptune’s archetypal characteristics but in a specific manner and vice versa.

How the Saturn-Neptune complex actualizes the other planet into manifestation, we can see below:

Collective focus on the imaginable: The Saturn-Neptune complex turns the world’s attention to the imaginable and artistic but in a dark, expressionistic or gothic manner.

The rift between the transcendent and the earthly is engaged: The Saturn-Neptune complex makes the split between this world and some heavenly or transcendent ideal a matter of serious focus.

A sense of collective loss and mourning: The complex renders a loss of ideals. A disillusionment and disenchantment occurs whereby there is a collective surrendering of something that was the object of faith and hope.

Distortion of reality: The configuration creates a collective confusion between what is substantive and true versus dreamlike and lacking concreteness. Reality is rendered surreal and the imaginable and dreamlike takes on greater substance.

An emphasis on dark collective subjectivity: an inner moodiness, free-form collective anxiety, fear and foreboding, weltschmerz of the anima mundi.

Deep skepticism toward socio-political structures: A heavy and deep process whereby societies criticise typical political process. The typical mode of political process whereby acceptance in false promises, rhetoric, empty policies is dissolved.

A test and forging of our spiritual nature: A profound engagement of authentic spirituality. Events and experiences are enacted which test and forge a deep sense of true spiritual realisation.

With a simple understanding of the Saturn-Neptune complex as outlined above, it is now possible to delve more deeply into the potentials and possibilities of this planetary configuration.
The Saturn-Neptune complex symbolises the cross we all bear collectively in our material incarnation. Unlike the simple frustrations and gravity of our daily tasks, the Saturn-Neptune configuration renders our simple, insignificant daily hardships into a quest for a return to a condition of righteousness, truth, peace, and bliss. Thus, Saturn-Neptune alignment force us to transform the relatively banal and prosaic concerns of work and career into veritable religious quests, whereby our daily efforts are more likened to a climbing of Jacob's ladder.

When Saturn and Neptune form hard aspect with each other, they must contend with each other. Although there are several possibilities in terms of their archetypal expression—as history has shown—there is no possibility to ignore the symbolism of one planet at the expense of the other. When Saturn and Neptune form major collective alignments in the sky, they are forced into disturbing cohabitation. Thus, during these times, the businessman with only an eye toward money is forced to contend with the poet musing on the cosmic unknowns and enchanted beauty, as the mystic and artist is compelled to apply critical rigor and definition to their religious musings and impressionistic strokes.

Real Irish Gypsy Advice-Ask Allie
Email your dreams and have them interpreted!
Unlease your inner psychic.
Do you feel lucky?
Numerology, whats in a number?
The Complete Beginners Guide to Tarot.

Reading eBooks yet?
Have you seen the new revolutionary portable reader that wirelessly downloads books, newspapers, magazines and blogs to a crisp, high-resolution electronic paper display that looks and reads like real paper, even in bright sunlight.

Astrology Sun Sign Opposite Considerations


Is it really possible to interpret a Natal Chart without including your Sun-sign-opposite into the analysis? Without your opposite playing a role? And if so, then how big a role? There are many factors that come into play obviously, but how high up can you put the importance of this - up alongside the Sun, the Moon, the Ascendant influence, etc?

Does the sun-sign-opposite give indications how to overcome the limitations of your Sun Sign or even strengthen it? There is after all a link between both signs that are opposite in the Zodiac wheel.

Isn’t our opposite sign an equal part of ourselves, with both the natal Sun and it’s opposite joined together by a kind of umbilical cord, as is the case anyway both zodiacally and chart wise. So why shouldn’t it be given more credence in an interpretation of a chart? Why is it ignored almost completely? After all, everything has an opposite. This is especially true for humans too. Is a chart analysis really and truly complete without taking into account, and taking seriously, the sign that occupies the opposite part of the chart where your Sun sits?
How then, if our opposite sign to our Natal Sun is part of ourselves, does its influence manifest itself and its interpretation defined?

Lets take, for example, the Sun in the sign of Cancer and its natural opposite, the sign Capricorn. Some of the typical attributes of Cancer are moodiness, nurturing, emotional, affectionate, etc. Its element is Water (ie fluid). Some of the typical attributes of the sign Capricorn are serious-minded, practical, disciplined, etc. And its element is Earth (ie solid). The differences are clear. They are opposite. But at the same time they are connected. Should Cancer people be more serious, more practical, etc to feel grounded (ie earth). And should Capricorn people be more emotional, be more affectionate, etc to feel more fluid (ie water)?

It seems that if you look closely enough at someone, or even yourself, you’ll see that these opposite attributes are already there. They are inherent. In other words your sun-sign-opposite attributes come naturally to you. They are part of both signs on the opposite axis of the Zodiac wheel after all, so why shouldn’t they be a part of you?

And what of the Houses? If the Sun falls in the 3rd house is influence felt concerning the matters of the 9th House? Let’s take a look. Some of the keywords of the 3rd house are intellect and mental attitudes, communication, short journeys, etc. Whereas some of the attributes of the 9th House are the higher mind, philosophy, religion, long journeys, etc. Once again, there is a clear indication of connectedness through the concept of being opposite. But how do you incorporate this into an interpretation of a natal chart? Well, I’ll leave that one up to you. After all, no one knows you better than yourself.

Real Irish Gypsy Advice-Ask Allie
Email your dreams and have them interpreted!
Unlease your inner psychic.
Do you feel lucky?
Numerology, whats in a number?
The Complete Beginners Guide to Tarot.

Reading eBooks yet?
Have you seen the new revolutionary portable reader that wirelessly downloads books, newspapers, magazines and blogs to a crisp, high-resolution electronic paper display that looks and reads like real paper, even in bright sunlight.